Tuesday 5 June 2012

My 6th Letter - I'm Letting Go

I don't feel like knowing anything
I just want to keep on dreaming
I'm scared that if i wake up from this dream...
...I'll be facing the cold and harsh reality of not being able to hold onto you

If on the same second, you also thought of me
If your heart would flutter a bit, it'll be more than enough for me

There's no need for a reason for me to fall in love with you
Do you know that?
But the feeling of missing you is more unbearable than knowing the fact that you're gone
Love makes me tear up whenever I think of you
But you'll never know this

Don't worry, I'll live on well... :)


  1. Hi girl,
    Few months back i stuck in one-side love with a guy.. yesterday, i told him the truth; i like him, i cant go on with him as his friend. i may like him more than a friend.. but i know, we cant go far because he already have a girlfriend. and the reason i told him the truth is to let he know that i appreciate his appearance in my life.... yes! one sided love is hard.. really tough. but if u r able to letting it go its really great! u did a great thing for ur life.... positive to the future =)

  2. Hi,
    I came across your blog.
    Tears automatically found their way.
